Thursday, August 27, 2020
Aspects Of British Colonialism In Uganda And Kenya History Essay
Parts Of British Colonialism In Uganda And Kenya History Essay Uganda and Kenya as British protectorates were established in 1894. Colonization of Africa utilized various techniques. The primary ones were the utilization of the weapon the Bible or religion. Buganda was colonized by the weapon, Bible and koran. The Bible and koran lessons became compelling methods of building up an over the top after which in the end assumed a pivotal job in the political scene of buganda. By 1867 islam was built up in buganda and Mutesa I was at that point watching the ramadhan and figuring out how to peruse the koran. Mutesa I pages at his courts completely changed over however Mutesa I never changed over completely to islam. The Christian Missionary Society (CMS) showed up in buganda in June 1877. Following two years the roman catholic white dads showed up in buganda. The appearance of these two gatherings touched off a contention between them as well as befuddled the buganda (EnterUganda). Similarly as Uganda, Kenya had a lot of teacher movement which jumped up from the seaside part of the locale. Preachers initially arrived at the seaside town which had been recently investigated and ruled by the Middle Easterner brokers who came in with the koran. Anyway the factional battles that were normal for the buganda were not with Kenya essentially as a result of the ethnic set up decent variety that existed in Kenya. Later on the foundation of provincial limits would extraordinarily influence these in excess of 40 unique networks who were currently united into a one area. On account of the buganda and on a more extensive scale there was contention between the French who were catholic slanted and the English who were protestant slanted. In this competition was likewise a scramble for items and modest crude materials source. Then again the most punctual outside campaigns in Kenya were basically teacher endeavors and were primarily to open up the inland for the gospel. The scramble for crude materials would anyway come later as an auxiliary fact or. The happening to the preachers made religion spread quickly all through the whole east African district. For Kenya the spread progressed from the waterfront district into the inside, though for Uganda the kabaka facilitated the teachers whose exercises fanned out from the royal residence into the whole area. The Imperial British East Africa decided to move in and build up British circle impact. Sending FJ Jackson who led this strategic. Jackson tried to sign an arrangement with Mwanga who was getting a charge out of catholic sponsorship after Karl Peters a German supported by the catholics showed up in buganda. The Germany impact and enthusiasm over buganda was abridged by the marking of the Heligoland bargain of July 1890. In this arrangement buganda was formally perceived as a British authoritative reach as an end-result of Heligoland island in the north ocean to the Germans (EnterUganda) In Kenya everything started at the 1884 to 1885 Berlin Conference which was the premise o n which was set the principles of provincial occupation. Consolidating with the 1886 Anglo-German Agreement and other between European regional courses of action, the Berlin gathering was instrumental in raising counterfeit limits around Kenya as well as in expelling discretionary activity from Kenyan individuals. This was only an antecedent of the outline of the Kenyan region that would follow in the year 1894. Supreme British East Africa presently had a solid hold on the two east African states Kenya and Uganda. Anyway so as to additionally ensure their inclinations in Uganda the Imperial British East Africa later send Captain Fredrick Lugard to counter the danger presented by Emin Kasha in Sudan who was intending to attach buganda and bunyoro to Turkey. Charles Stoke a minister turned arms seller who was additionally plotting to arm Kabalega should have been managed in light of the fact that kabalega being unpleasant to the British would be a hazard on the off chance that he was furnished.. Commander Lugard effectively thwarted their arrangements. Anyway the happening to Captain Lugard was seen by Mwanga and the catholic sponsored system as a triumph for the protestant. Lugard marked a settlement with Mwanga and battled nearby him to overcome the muslim intrusion. Chief Lugard likewise entered a concurrence with Ntare V to prevent arms from coming to Kabalega.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Psychological Factors in Alcohol related Illness-Free-Samples
Question: Talk about the Psychological Factors in Alcohol related Illness. Answer: The family has a key impact in both maintaining a strategic distance from and winning with liquor use and misuse both through including threat and supporting and advancing wellbeing. The point of this article was to break down how certain family related factors were related to the utilization of liquor based on individuals. This article mentally looks at various family inclusions in youthful people groups taking up and later abusing substances. The utilization and misuse of liquor is across the board. Liquor misuse of any individual from the family can result to hurt for the individual and in any event, for the whole network, just as it can negatively affect rest of the relatives. There are numerous words in the field that are as often as possible utilized confusingly. Late information demonstrates that around 9% of the absolute populace age 12 years or more and for the most part 12% old enough 12-17 are present clients of illegal medications (Becoa et al. 2013). This paper features the significance that appears progressivism and the need of considering family when giving control and influence, as father will impact male kids and mother will impact female kids. Various examinations have discovered that the more liberal the families are towards sedate use, the almost certain it is that their family will drink liquor. Liquor abuse has become a significant wellbeing worry in numerous social orders. Liquor is a medication that is considered to mess major up among the more youthful ages. It has been for quite some time perceived that liquor addiction runs in the family. A family which has a background marked by liquor addiction is a settled hazard in wording creating liquor addiction. In any case larger part individuals don't create liquor issue. There is a genuine variety among alcoholic kids with respects with their liquor use and ebb and flow explore has been planned for clarifying the variety. Research faces the test of communicating various liquor related conduct assortment from simple liquor experimentation to harsh liquor reliance. Diverse explanation impact distinctive feature of drinking and an appraisal to quit drinking (Fang Schinke, 2013). The segment isn't expected as complete review of mental research, yet rather centers around the way that has been directed. Mental explanation of propensity is people groups thought and convictions. This is a result of much the practices start from the musings and the convictions. Reason for enslavement is a people form ative development. Brain science has assisted with comprehension while individuals while individuals discover it so hard to end a solid conduct like liquor addiction. There are a few sicknesses because of liquor they are malignant growth, cerebrum harm, coronary illness, Osteoporosis. Ladies are more powerless against the impacts of liquor than men and more youthful and more seasoned individuals will in general be more helpless than the individuals who are moderately aged In request to forestall the liquor illness first the family should address the discernment that everyone drinks. Utilize intelligent educating strategies. Each family needs to set the correct way for their relatives. World class gathering of families believes that by drinking they can beat their pressure. A few societies transparently express drinking liquor as the prize of a fruitful accomplishment. The effect that the liquor use can have on the family is a great deal. For certain occasions specialists and analyst s has assigned an essential capacity in the family so as to create or in the evasion of every introverted conduct. Juvenile liquor misuse is energized by ecological factors, for example, the conduct of the persuasive good example, social help that support this and simple access to it (?ablov, Pazderkov Miovsk, 2014). The noteworthiness of obvious friend pressure in liquor use is neither demonstrated nor dependable. Accentuating the intensity of friends may prompt an underestimation of impact that guardians have all alone. Investigation of joined data from longitudinal examinations determine that poor degree of parental cooperation and the executives of youngsters have an all around fabricated expository expert for hostile to social beneficial methodology perhaps to look at how these two powers interface. Individuals who enjoy an extra idealistic relationship with their folks might be less partial by sedate utilizing companions and therefore be less worried in liquor utilizing conduc t (Stahre, 2014). Untimely drinking experience typically happens inside the family environmental factors and in this they may get fitting practices concerning use. The family keeps on being a reasonable impact all through the youth time frame albeit parental impact diminishes as teenagers age increments and at specific phase of pre-adult turn of events. Medications anticipation has been sub-classified into essential, auxiliary and tertiary avoidance. All the more as of late three new mediations have been recognized as general, particular and demonstrated obstruction with in danger assortment with early confirmation of issues (Stautz Cooper, 2013). For some youngsters pointless and test use in not as a rule speak to an extensive issue, for the individual, their family members or their gathering of individuals. Anyway in certain circumstances increasingly continued use, generally halfway introduction to careful substance can direct to inconveniences. A family quality has been found to collaborate with so much lopsided as passionate prosperity, life stress and collective help in anticipating general enemy of social conduct just as maltreatment of liquor. A ton of obstruction depend on the idea that families assume a noteworthy job in mingling youngsters to twist to the weight and chances of the cultural environmental factors. The close ness of the family has been found to debilitate sedate utilize both legitimately and through its effect on decision on non-tranquilize utilizing companions. It likewise seems to have an orientation whether trial liquor use prompts a progressively genuine example of liquor inclusion. A raised family collaboration is a significant factor in the family atmosphere variable. Accurate individual self may bolster particular kind of individuals to invest a specific measure of energy with family and may maybe at the comparable time bolster the avoidance of conduct like liquor use (Castellanos?Ryan 2013). One wellspring of the variety in the results of alcoholic, for example regardless of whether they build up a character related issue, the familial liquor addiction happens in various structures. Researchers have distinguished subtypes of liquor addiction that are described by the sort and level of psychopathology related with the liquor misuse, specifically reserved, character and min d-set issue, for example, discouragement (Cooper Marshall, 2013). Ongoing investigations propose that the sort of alcoholic condition present in the family impacts the childs danger of having mental qualities related with danger of liquor abuse (Blanco, 2013). A few hypotheses recommend that early direct issues which advance as per the abnormality inclination model into a wide arrangement of conduct including liquor addiction are identified with the neuropsychological shortages in official working (Suzanne Kril, 2014). A differentiation is there between the properties of social side of families on general liquor use. Specialists have been analyzed family condition trying to comprehend both the transmission of liquor addiction from age to age and the reasons for liquor use and the abuse in the more extensive populace. Ongoing information proposes that poor official working predicts increments in liquor utilization with a family ancestry of liquor addiction (Grant, 2016). The greater part of drunkards don't create liquor issue reliance. Liquor issues and their avoidance can't be seen in seclusion. Their unpredictability requests thought not just of the wellbeing, government assistance, good, instructive and monetary perspectives, yet i n addition of their joined ramifications in the advancement of the people, in the network and at the global level. A wide assortment of aptitudes and interests are along these lines required in the significant arranging and projects. It isn't clear yet that connection among's families and liquor association might be because of shared hereditary impacts. Albeit just a couple of investigations of defensive elements have taken a gander at alcoholic families, some more extensive examinations have discovered proof of hazard cushions. Liquor use and liquor abuse can be best being concentrated inside the setting of psychosocial advancement for the duration of the life expectancy and inquired about enthusiasm for applying a formative viewpoint to liquor issue is expanding. It recommends that early formative to liquor addiction can be seen even in preschool years as shortages in self-guideline, enthusiastic reactivity, and lead issues (Grenard, Dent Stacy, 2013). For youthful grown-ups, liqu or use is at the top in age related examples and afterward decreases after mid-20. To close this mental factor in liquor utilization and liquor addiction incorporates a wide scope of examinations, it is to be comprehended that it planned for seeing how various, natural and mental hazard factors connect to impact liquor related ailment. The later investigations for this age related decay drinking may reflect changes in normal practices with respect to the agreeableness of utilizing liquor. Social parts of families may have a colossal impact than different perspectives on making liquor related practices. The key thoughts in work intended to use so as to keep the family from liquor use and misusing among the individuals and expanding family protecting components of family and individual kid adaptability. There is a high propensity that the kids face some mental issue so as to confront something or conceal their inward sentiments. It likewise certain that albeit family issue are clear, yet the impact of mental issues is imperative. References: Becoa, E., Martnez, ., Calafat, A., Fernndez-Hermida, J. R., Juan, M., Sumnall, H., ... Gabrhelk, R. (2013). Parental tolerance, control, and influence and medication use among adolescents.Psico
Sistine Chapel :: Essays Papers
Sistine Chapel Ecclesiastical church in the Vatican Palace that was raised in 1473-81 by the planner Giovanni dei Dolci for Pope Sixtus IV (thus its name). It is acclaimed for its Renaissance frescoes by Michelangelo. The Sistine Chapel is a rectangular block working with six curved windows on every one of the two principle (or side) dividers and a barrel-vaulted roof. The church's outside is dull and unadorned, however its inside dividers and roof are improved with frescoes by numerous Florentine Renaissance aces. The frescoes as an afterthought dividers of the church were painted from 1481 to 1483. On the north divider are six frescoes delineating occasions from the life of Christ as painted by Perugino, Pinturicchio, Sandro Botticelli, Domenico Ghirlandajo, and Cosimo Rosselli. On the south divider are six different frescoes portraying occasions from the life of Moses by Perugino, Pinturicchio, Botticelli, Domenico and Benedetto Ghirlandajo, Rosselli, Luca Signorelli, and Bartolomeo della Gatta. Over these works, littler frescoes between the windows delineate different popes. For incredible stately events the most minimal bits of the side dividers were secured with a progression of embroideries delineating occasions from the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. These were structured by Raphael and woven in 1515-19 at Brussels. The most significant fine arts in the house of prayer are the frescoes by Michelangelo on the roof and on the west divider behind the special raised area. The frescoes on the roof, on the whole known as the Sistine Ceiling, were authorized by Pope Julius II in 1508 and were painted by Michelangelo in the years from 1508 to 1512. They delineate occurrences and personages from the Old Testament. The Keep going Judgment fresco on the west divider was painted by Michelangelo for Pope Paul III in the period from 1534 to 1541. These two enormous frescoes are among the <a href=http://www.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Peoples and Civilizations of the Americas
Name: John Kindley| Class: GH AP Y (Even)| Date: November third, 2012| Chapter 12, Peoples and Civilizations of the Americas, 200 â⬠1500| Pages 306 â⬠331| | Classic-Era Culture and Society in Mesoamerica, 200 â⬠900:| | * Remarkable development created| | * Different language + governmental issues, yet brought together by material culture, strict convictions + practices, and social structure| Classic Period| * Classic period (based upon Olmec and other civilizations)| | * Social classes with particular roles| * Hereditary legislative issues + strict elites controlled towns + villages| | Teotihuacan:| | * Powerful city-state in focal Mexico (100 B. C. E. â⬠750 C. E. )| Religion| * Religion = venerated numerous divine beings + lesser spirits, Sun + Moon| | * Human penance = saw as holy obligation to the divine beings and essential| | to the prosperity of society| Farming| * Chinampas = raised fields along lakeshores to increment agriculture| Politics| * No proof for sing le ruler; unions between tip top families| | The Maya:|Location| * Maya = progress gathered in the Yucatan Peninsula, | Guatemala, and Honduras, however never unified| | * Contributed for the most part in math, space science, and the calendar| | * High pyramids + royal residences = intended to wonder the majority that came| Decoration| * Maya = adored decoration| | * Infused fighting with strict meaning| | * Society = patrilineal| Contributions| * Devised expound schedule framework, idea of 0, and writing| End of Classic Era| * Maya urban communities declined because of battle for assets, which lead to| | class struggle and warfare| | * Connection with the Mesoamerican social orders because of finding out about the Aztecs in grade 8| * Have visited Mayan urban areas in Mexico, and have seen sanctuaries in genuine life| * Question: didnââ¬â¢t the Arabs build up the idea of 0? | The Postclassic Period in Mesoamerica, 900 â⬠1500:| | * No single clarification for fall of Teotihua can and Mayan centers| | The Toltecs:| | * Powerful postclassic realm in focal Mexico (900 â⬠1175 C. E. )| Origins| * Origins = obscure (either satellite or vagrant populations)| | * Used military victory to make amazing empire|Reason for decline| * Fell by interior force battles and military danger from the north| | The Aztecs:| | * Altepetl = ethnic state in antiquated Mesoamerica that was the | regular political structure square of that region| Society + Politics| * Calpolli = gathering of up to hundred families that filled in as a building| | square of an altepetl (controlled land allotment + charges + neighborhood strict life)| | * Tenochtitlan = capital of Aztec Empire; in an island in lake Texcoco| | Mexico City made on vestiges of Tenochtitlan| * Aztecs = AKA Mexica, made realm (1325 â⬠1521 C. E. )| * Aztecs constrained vanquished people groups to give products + work as tax| Aztec Women| * Women = held bunches of influence; held in high regard; held positions| | lik e instructors and priestesses; seen as originators of ancestries, including| | the illustrious line| | * Merchants become rich, yet can't turn out to be high nobility| Economic systems| * Tribute framework = framework in which crushed people groups were constrained to| | pay charge in types of merchandise and work; help improvement of enormous ities | * Did not utilize cash; utilized bargain instead| | * Aztec religion = requested expanding quantities of human sacrifice| * Connection to Aztecs as I found out about them in grade 8| * Noted the familiarities between the Mesoamerican social orders, which additionally had distinct| contrasts as well| | Northern Peoples:| | * Classic period finishes around 900 C. E. | * Transfer of water system and corn farming - > invigorated advancement in Hohokam and Anasazi society| | Southwestern Desert Cultures:| | * Anasazi = significant culture in southwest US (700 â⬠1300 C.E. )| * Anasazi assembled multistory homes, and venerated in | underground structures (called kivas)| Anasazi women| * Women = shared horticultural assignments, experts in numerous specialties, | answerable for food readiness and childcare| Anasazi region| * Anasazi = pack in Four Corners region| | Mound Builders: The Hopewell and Mississippian Cultures:| Political structure| * Chiefdom = type of political association; managed by innate leader| (Chiefdom)| who had authority over assortment of towns + towns; in view of blessing giving | and business links| * Political association + exchange + hill building proceeded by the| | Mississippian culture (biggest city = Cahokia)| Ansazi +| * Environmental changes caused pulverization of Anasazi +| Mississippian| Mississippian cultures| Decline| | Andean Civilizations, 200 â⬠1500| | * Environment = sucks for making civilization| | * Amerindian people groups of Andean = created a portion of the most| | socially complex + politically propelled social orders in Western Hemisphere | Cultural Response t o Environmental Challenge|How they adapted| * Domestication of llamas and alpacas| | * Farmed at various heights to diminish dangers from frosts| Social + political | * Ayllu = Andean heredity gathering or kinfolk based community| groups| * Ayllu = establishment for Andean accomplishment; individuals = obligated| | to help individual individuals (thought as siblings and sisters)| | * Mitââ¬â¢a = Andean work framework dependent on shared commitments to help| | family and work for the benefit of the ruler and strict associations | Gender distinction| * Men = chasing, military assistance, government| | * Women = material creation, agribusiness, home| Harsh atmospheres of Andean human advancements = like cruel condition of North American| pioneers | * Anasazi + Mississippian culture = one of barely any civic establishments that didn't fall due to outside| pressures| | Moche:| | * Moche = progress of north bank of Peru (200 â⬠700 C. E. )| * Built broad water system systems + notew orthy urban centers| | ruled by block temples| Political + social| * Did not build up formal domain nor bound together political structure| * Moche society = religious + defined; clerics + military pioneers | had concentrated riches + power|Decline of Moche| * Moche focuses declined because of long haul atmosphere changes| | * Wari = new military influence, socially connected to Tiwanaku| | * Wari added to the vanishing of the Moche| | Tiwanaku and Wari:| | * Tiwanaku = name of capital city and realm fixated on the region| | close to Lake Titicaca in current Bolivia (375 â⬠1000 C. E. )| * Llamas = critical for support of significant distance exchange relations| | * High nature of stone masonry| * Stratified society managed by an innate elite| | * Used military to broaden their control over huge religions | The Inca:| | * Largest and most impressive Andean realm (Cuzco = capital)| | * Initially a chiefdom - > went in to military development in 1430s| | * Inca thriving reli ed upon huge crowds of llamas + alpacas| | * Hereditary head of ayllus included women| | * Had prisoner taking framework for politics| * Each new ruler started his rule with success (legitimize authority)| | * Khipus = arrangement of hitched hued strings utilized by preliterate| | Andean people groups to transmit information| | * Did not create new innovations; expanded monetary output| | * Civil war debilitated the Inca just before European arrival| | * Noticed that essential divine beings for some, social orders were Sun divine beings and farming gods| * Pressures from inside took out the Inca society; like other societies| * Khipus = like the one that Aztecs used| |
Essay Writing Tips
Essay Writing TipsWriting a college admission essay can be a very tedious task, but it is also a necessary one. The task is quite tiring tasks only tend to make it more difficult.People who want to write a college admission essay must keep in mind that this essay will have to discuss their academic record, their career goals, their personality, interests, etc. The best way to make the essay brief yet to the point is to do research beforehand. The objective of a college admission essay is to attract the attention of the admissions committee so that they will get interested enough to read your essay.One must also understand that the subject of the essay will be decided by the school and the college applications themselves do not put any particular conditions or limits on the topic. However, there are a few guidelines to follow so that your essay is not a waste of time and that you can be sure that it will turn out just as you had envisioned.First of all, a college admission committee w ill base its decision on your personal statement. You may have been told that your essay must be able to speak of something that you had noticed in yourself, or in some aspect of your life. Be sure to add some personal thoughts that can relate to your topic. This will also show your story well and make it easier for the admissions committee to believe your story.Second, you must mention your life's experiences. They need to know about your activities, hobbies, skills, knowledge, and preferences. Use this opportunity to talk about your interests, your hobbies, or any other things that may come to mind that you can't find an exact answer for.Also, you can use your writing samples to improve the quality of your college admission essay. Show your writing abilities by choosing a topic that you feel you know very well and have a lot of experience on, and write about that topic in the way you have experienced it in the past.Last, you must write your college admission essay in a straightfor ward manner. Make the essay short and simple, that the students won't get bored reading it. They will be able to grasp the gist of what you are trying to say through your information, and the whole process will be more pleasurable for you and for them.Overall, writing a college admission essay can be a tiresome task, but it is also an important one that you should always strive to make it easier for you. In the end, the only thing that matters is that you give your all to make it worth their time.
Friday, July 3, 2020
The Virtual World- Final Fantasy XIV - 1650 Words
The Virtual World- Final Fantasy XIV (Other (Not Listed) Sample) Content: NameProfessorInstitutionCourseDateFinal Fantasy XIVFinal fantasy has also been widely referred to as Final Fantasy XIV Online. It is so far the fourteenth game in the Final fantasy series. The game was published and developed by Enix Square. It has also been widely regarded as an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) for personal computers operating on Microsoft Windows. Eorzea is the fictional land where the game takes place. There are rumors that there might be an invasion from the north by a group called the Garlean Empire. Avatars are created and customized by the players. These avatars act as the adventurers in the difficult times depicted in the game. The various cities of Eorzea form a grand company which is consolidated into a larger alliance in readiness for the war with the empire.The online version of the game was first made available between September 30, 2010, upto November 11, 2012. During this period, it was only available in French Ge rman, Japanese and English languages. The aim of this paper therefore is to critically analyze the various aspects considered in developing this game and the impact the game portrays on its players.To play the game a player has to begin by creating a character that can be customized. Lacasa and Pilar (34),described the character creator as clunky but deep enough. At this stage the player enters the world. In the early stages of the game there are several tutorial quests that direct a player on how to play. After several tutorials the game opens up. The primary aim of the game is to become more and more powerful. This can be achieved in several ways such as the standard MMO quests, Levequests which are repeatable quests, Guildhests which are group affairs, straight-up grinding on enemies and Guild Wars two-style public quests which randomly appear throughout the gameà ¢Ã¢â ¬s environments. All of these are easy to access and they sound simple. However, beneath the layers lies a fo rm of genius. The developer, Enix, gives the player an opportunity to play the kind of MMORPG they want. Apart from just the enjoyment part the game also instills a varied range of interpersonal skills that are manifested differently on different players.In need of a World of Warcraft style quest experience? Or maybe an old-school slaughtering of monsters similar to EverQuest? Or perhaps something that is more modern like what is experienced in Rift? Final Fantasy XIV has managed to encompass these entire genre styles while at the same time maintaining the high quality experience. As a player an individual is liberated, in that, he/she is capable of climbing the levels as he wishes and at the same time matching and mixing as the game continues to avoid burning out. Final Fantasy XIV class system lets a character choose what to eat, when it wants instead of sticking to the old-model which adhered to the rule of stick-to-what-you-picked. The game ties your class to a particular weapon you choose. If a player is fed up with acting like a gladiator, he can unequip his sword and switch to a spear. In this case, the class automatically changes to Lancer. If a staff is equipped thee character becomes a magic-wielding Thaumaturge. This creates a sort of freeing feeling to the player, knowing that they can invest their time in the game to whatever they want to and this will still lead to paying of dividends to a single character. A player in this game is also capable of changing the way they are playing easily without much investment. This helps by keeping the game enjoyable and fresh.The current information generation has led to the cropping up of opportunities for symbolic experiences that directly affect the behavior of humans. The viewing of televised violence in the Final Fantasy XIV can be attributed as one of the causal agents in acquiring and displaying of actions of aggressiveness. Being a virtual reality game it needs a direction action for the game to be mor e interesting and to continue through the levels. A person has to kill his opponents or he will in turn be killed in this life like reality that is simulated by the computer. This aggressive behavior is at most times directly incorporated in the player and is likely to be physically manifested to his or her fellow peers or playmates. The arousal theory by Fox argues that the responses of physiological nature to aggression increases as a player continues to engage in threatening situations in this game. Once exposed to aggressive content in this and other similar games the content has a high likelihood of being retained in a playerà ¢Ã¢â ¬s memory of which it would be reproduced in real life when the player is motivated to do so.At later advanced levels however, the class systems in this game become more interesting. A player is able to carry over capabilities from other previous classes or levels.Russell (78), stated that in so doing the players are allowed to customize their ch aracters and sidesteps which is a common feature in MMORPGs. Similarly, a player is able to increase an attribute of their choosing as they level, further ensuring the character feels like their own. This promotes the development of a creative mind on the playerà ¢Ã¢â ¬s side. The player is also able to be proficient in multitasking and experience better memory capabilities.The nature of combat in Final Fantasy XIV is stock MMORPG fare with a sprinkling of various systems that work to keep a player engaged. It is well polished and fast without sacrificing transparency and it creates a feeling of familiarity to previous MMORPG players with the use of hotbars, tab targeting technique, light active dodging and automatically delivered standard attacks. Each of the classes however contains a small wrinkle. This ensures that the player keeps his mind in the fight which in turn helps make the leveling curve to go by faster. For example, in the Gladiator category there are features with abilities that bring about more damage and are more likely to trigger additional effects when they are performed in the proper order. In some cases, in the game small mental calculations sometimes make fights and battles to feel so much less routine, with an addictive and engaging rhythm and flow (Fox, 92). This game has in some way become a way of life for a majority of Americans. It has been attributed with high levels of addiction with 42% of middle aged American players of this game confessing of committing an average of between 4 to 6 hours to the game per day. This can be taken as a positive attribute since the players become better in creating relationships online with their competitorsThe game is more thrilling when played in a group scenario whereby a specific class can concentrate on performing specific roles. Group activities are particularly more difficult. Much is expected from the war tanks as they are required to hold the opponents attention through a combination of a ttacks. Damage dealers together with healers are expected to maintain a certain level of discipline in their output. If too much is exerted there is a likelihood of the monster turning its attention on them and increasing the chances of death. This type of experience is present in most of the MMORPGs. However, it is more amplified in this game to a greater benefit of the players. In this perspective players learn to be protectors of people around increasing their sense of security.The game depicts a greater focus on the plot. According toFox (43), this game comes out as one of the most fleshed-out and well-executed MMORPG plotlines. It systematically tracks your progress from simple and not known adventurer to a celebrated hero. A player meets a large cast of various characters throughout the mission. The gameà ¢Ã¢â ¬s initial idea performs a significantly good job of taking you into an unfamiliar outside world that is far away from your starting point. This works well in making sure that the developerà ¢Ã¢â ¬s work that was put in all of the aspects of the game are not wasted. The exciting part of this, is that they exist as more than just a leveling content. There are mind challenging tutorials that take a player through the role of his character in the game and his or her role in a group context.Additionally, there are no significant major differences between the PC and the PS3 versions of the game. Personally, the PC version of the game looks prettier and the console offeringà ¢Ã¢â ¬s draw distance will seem very underwhelming after playing on a computer. However, the important thing remains that the developer Enix Square produced a controller scheme which works very well for MMORPGs.On interviewing one of the distinguished players of the game, Statrix, he lamented that:"In the earlystages of the game the game activities and the mission seems hard to grasp. I experienced several accidental deaths brought about by getting my fingers in a knot at fi rst. But after giving it several hours of practice and a handful of levels, it became a morethan-serviceable way to play the game. The game ignited...
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay on Analysis of Comparable Worth and the Common Good
The Federal Government has been struggling for almost four decades now to close the gap between the wages of men and women. In the 1960s, women were paid approximately 60 cents for every dollar men received for their work. Although progress has been made since Congress passed the Equal Pay Act in 1963, equality has not yet been achieved. Today, thirty-six years later, women still earn only seventy-six percent of the wages of men. Early studies found convincing evidence that women were being construed as inferior when it came to their work. Jobs that were dominated by women were paid less than male-dominated jobs, not because they were intrinsically worth less, but because they were dominated by women (Treiman Hartmann, 1981:93;â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Jobs are judged similar, thus comparable, based on composite ratings of requirements such as skill, effort, responsibility, or other factors valued by an organization. All in all, comparable worth is necessary because discriminatory pay practices of the past were not fully addressed by equal employment opportunity legislation, and thus effects have been perpetuated by conventional pay administration practices (Taylor, 1989). Comparable worth rests on the theory that pay differentials are caused by sex discrimination. It proposes that sexual segregation in jobs has unjustly depressed women workers wages. According to Wittig (1989), we may look at how this segregation has contributed to the wage gap from two viewpoints. Firstly, a significant portion of the sex pay gap has undoubtedly been caused by job placement discrimination, which has placed women into less skilled, less demanding jobs. Secondly, the gap may be caused by female jobs being assigned lower pay, even when the jobs require skill equal to that in male jobs. There are several ways that this discrimination may be sustained: 1) job segregation related to prejudice by employers, consumers, and co-workers; 2) devaluation of jobs performed primarily by women and minority men; and 3) women and minority mens job choices, assertiveness about pay, and other group tendencies (Wittig, 1989). So, how does one go about achieving comparable worth in their organization, you may bee wondering? First, a method must beShow MoreRelatedFinancial Management Of The Healthcare Organization1371 Words à |à 6 PagesRatios Analysis Raven Washington MHA 612: Financial Managerial Accounting Professor Jack Lazarre October 27, 2014 The financial management of the healthcare organization needs to handle financial matters carefully in order to perform well. 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Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Hsc English - Module B - Yeats Poems - 1089 Words
Yeats Conflict Essay Conflict is the basis of all human interaction and hence is an integral part of human life. Through ambiguous yet comprehensive treatment of conflict W. B. Yeats has ensured that his works stand the test of time and hence have remained ââ¬Ëclassicsââ¬â¢ today. Through my critical study I have recognised that Yeatsââ¬â¢ poems Easter 1916 and The Second Coming are no exception. Yeatsââ¬â¢ poetic form, language and use of poetic techniques; such as juxtaposition, allusion, and extended metaphors, alert audiences to both the inner and physical conflict that are the foundations of both poems. It is through this treatment of conflict that supplies audiences with the ability to individualise the reading and hence engage a broad range ofâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In the first stanza Yeats expresses his conflicting loathing and admiration for modernity through the juxtaposition of ââ¬Å"vivid facesâ⬠and ââ¬Å"grey housesâ⬠. This represents the possibilities that m odernity can bring; the revitalising of the community or the destruction of tradition and age old energy already lost by the modifications in the city. The repetition of the phrase ââ¬Å"A terrible beauty is bornâ⬠in the first and fourth stanzas articulate this inner turmoil revolving around modernity. This oxymoronic declaration is emphasised throughout the text by Yeatsââ¬â¢ confusion towards the rebellion and its necessity. The fourth stanza embodies this conflict, removing the previously represented idea that life in pre-rebellion Ireland was a ââ¬Å"casual comedyâ⬠, alluding to an Elizabethan play where the characters were content. By asking the rhetoric questions ââ¬Å"was it needless deathâ⬠and ââ¬Å"O when may [British rule] suffice?â⬠Yeats parallels the unresolved contradiction of ââ¬Å"terrible beautyâ⬠. However, this sensitive treatment of conflict allows the retainment of ambiguity and can be related to any change within life, hence a llowing audiences to superimpose their own beliefs and ideas into the poem. Yeats continues to explore his aversion towards modernism in The Second Coming with the appointment of a new ââ¬Å"gyreâ⬠standing as the symbol for a new age. The fear of
Friday, May 15, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Internship Report on Financial Management System of Ngo.
Table of Contents |CONTENTS PAGE NO | |Acknowledgement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |1 | |Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |2 | |Objective of The Study----------------------------------------------------------------------- |3 | |Profile of The Organization ----------------------------------------------------------------- |4 | |Description of The Study -------------------------------------------------------------------- |5â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Ã¢â" ª Accurate and timely financial reporting to the management, donors and GOB can be ensured. PROFILE OF THE ORGANIZATION HIV/AIDS and STD Alliance Bangladesh (HASAB), a specialized leading national Non-Government Organization (NGO) highly focused in HIV/AIDS field, has been working in Bangladesh for more than fourteen years to assist smaller NGOs and Community Based Organizations (CBO) in accessing resources and capacity building (technical, managerial organizational). HASABââ¬â¢s prime role as an umbrella organization also involved in prevention and control of HIV/AIDS/STI among general population and diversified population having high risk behavior, and also providing care and support for HIV positive people. Since its inception in 1994, as a linking organization of International HIV/AIDS Alliance, UK to mobilize and address community responses to HIV/AIDS, HASAB initiated working with the communities vulnerable to HIV/AIDS through partnership with NGOs and CBOs. Gradually, HASAB emerged as a specialized agency with its long experience of grant management and capacity building for smaller NGOs, Community Based Organizations (CBO) and Faith Based Organizations (FBO) in HIV/AIDS field. HASAB provided both financial and technical support to grassroots NGOs/CBOs for education and raising awareness on HIV/AIDS, leading to behavior change in target population. Over the years, HASAB as an indigenous national level umbrella NGO has experienced in building the technicalShow MoreRelatedAssignment on Hr Practices8207 Words à |à 33 PagesExecutive Summary NGO sector is the potential sector where the growth of a developing country depends a lot. In Bangladesh NGO sector is also very influential. This sector is very big in Bangladesh and holds a lot of skilled employees. So Human Resource Management (HRM) is very much applicable as well as practiced in NGOs of Bangladesh. Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) is well known in Bangladesh. 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The Case Of The Boxer And The Baseball Player - 945 Words
Prior to an individual being classified as an ex-offender, they are first classified as an offender; before this classification takes place, the individual is what the criminal justice system calls a defendant; before this particular person is trialed, they must first go through the ladder of the system. Perhaps they started simply as a suspect product of an arrest or an investigation (Samaha, 9). Like with many things in life, numerous people try to find excuses; in sports you always hear a boxer say he lost because he didnââ¬â¢t have a good training camp, or the baseball player saying that his wrist hurts and that is why he was not able to hit the ball. Barely, however, do we hear people tell the actual truth about what really happened; take the examples of the boxer and the baseball player, it is quite strange to hear them say ââ¬Å"my opponent just outclassed meâ⬠, or ââ¬Å"he is a very good pitcher, one which possesses a strong fast ballâ⬠. In some cases within th e criminal justice system is the same exact way; though some do, many defendants will try to claim a reasonable and legitimate excuse for the crime they have committed and are being trialed for. In his book Criminal Justice seventh edition, Joel Samaha expresses his beliefs on what it means to give an excuse for someoneââ¬â¢s imperfections or imperfect acts; nothing but ââ¬Å"excuses, excuses, excuses, criminal law doesnââ¬â¢t like themâ⬠(Samaha, 116). With this idea of excuses now in our minds, letââ¬â¢s take a look at a case that has theseShow MoreRelatedâ⬠¢Players Who Participate In Athletics Consent And Assume1293 Words à |à 6 Pagesâ⬠¢ Players who participate in athletics consent and assume risk if injury occurs as an aspect of the game. Thus, players who take part in such a dangerous sport as hockey accept the dangers that inhere in it so far as they are obvious and necessary (People v. Schacker). 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Victory is usually when one of the fighters is knocked out. Victory is usually achieved when one fighter is unconscious. Boxers fight with everything they have because they have to fight for their life; at the beginning of every match, ââ¬Å"two men climb into the ring from which only one, symbolically, will climb out.â⬠Boxing is the cruelest sport and a barbaric sport becauseRead MoreSport Enhancement Drugs1667 Words à |à 7 Pagesof meat that you can get from one cow. Steroids are mainly used for building muscle mass at a rapid pace and it allo ws people to work out longer or lift heavier weights for a longer amount of time allowing the body to grow faster. Skepticism in baseball started back in the summer of 1998 when Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa were chasing the all time home runs total list. As the season continued on and the home run count was decreasing by every game, a reporter found out that McGwire had a collectionRead More Jackie Robinson and The Integration Of The United States Essay1697 Words à |à 7 Pageshero. These are just some of the words people use to describe Jackie. Robinson was the first person to break the color barrier in Major League Baseball, at the time officially designated a white manââ¬â¢s sport. The blacks and whites played in separate leagues but Branch Rickey, vice president of the Brooklyn Dodgers, wanted to integrate Major League Baseball. At this time in the 1940s the Unites States was still segregated and the Jim Crow Laws still reigned heavily in the south. Integration didnââ¬â¢tRead MorePoor Money Management Among Professional Athletes Essay590 Words à |à 3 Pageslife. This is not the c ase though as becoming a professional athlete is similar to hitting the lottery just genetically. Being an athlete creates a large amount of income early in life, but that income decreases to zero once retirement comes around. The documentary Broke is a compilation of interviews and incidents that occurred which showcase the poor money management done by professional athletes. Whether the athlete played basketball, baseball, football, or was a boxer it did not matter thereRead More Gender Stereotypes within Sports Essay1292 Words à |à 6 PagesMuscles are sexy on men but a hotly debated issue on women. But what happens when the men want to wear the skirts and the women want to step into the ring? In most cases unfortunately there are bad repercussions along with the good ones. Sexuality is called into question when members of either sex compete in an unconventional sport. In the case of women, they are constantly compared to men, not being as fast or strong, therefore undermini ng their game and style. However, every time a man puts on skirtRead MoreBlack Sox Scandal and Its Effect on America2032 Words à |à 9 PagesScandals in Baseball and Its Effect on America Baseball has always been considered as American as apple pie. If that is true than cheating should be just as American. Ever since the creation of Americaââ¬â¢s favorite pastime, baseball, cheating has been a major part of the game. Each era of baseball has showed more complex ways of cheating the game. Although, cheating in baseball has been around since the introduction of the game, only few scandals have really made history. Some of the most famousRead MoreThe World Of Baseball Player For The St. Louis Cardinals Essay2186 Words à |à 9 PagesCurt Flood was an All-Star baseball player for the St. Louis Cardinals that did not want to be traded against his wishes to the Philadelphia Phillies. This decision to publicly come out and make this particular statement ultimately started a battle for player liberty and benefits in baseball. This paper will be diving into the ideals and ramifications behind his choice to dispute the sport of baseball, the context of American society around the time of the issue and its relationship, the main eventsRead MoreDomestic Violence Is A Coercive Behavior That Involves1184 Words à |à 5 Pagesassault includes threats, forceful sexual acts, and use of physical force. Psychological abuse may involve excessive jealousy, intimidation, harassment or stalking among others. In the United States, 20 people are physically abused every minute, 20,800 cases are reported daily in hotlines and majority of the victims are females aged between 18-24 years (National Coalition against Domestic Violence, 2015). Issues pertaining to violence at home are regarded as a societal issue that can affect anyone irrespective
Cardiovascular Condition Essay Example For Students
Cardiovascular Condition Essay Word Count: 1460ing can be defined as the efficient transport and utilization of necessary oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the body. The cardiovascular system needs to be well conditioned to enable the body to deliver adequate oxygenated blood and nutrients to the working muscles, in addition to improving the muscles capacity to use extra oxygen. Cardiovascular training is the most important style of training both for general health and for overall athletic performance. Exercising can lower stress levels and decrease the levels of depression by stimulating the blood flow to the brain. Cardiovascular conditioning is an alternative medicine in sometimes treating accurences of stress. According to Elaine Blinde (1999) in the Journal of Sport Behavior, one of the major systems of the body, which is effected by cardiovascular conditioning, is the circulatory system. With proper exercise the heart becomes stronger and is able to use energy more efficiently. Blood pressure will lower because the heart muscle does not have to work as hard to pump the blood. The heart will beat fewer times per minute while it is at rest, but it will be able to deliver a greater amount of blood with each stroke as a result of adequate conditioning. Conditioning has other benefits to cardiovascular fitness as well. It will increase oxygenation of the blood due to the fact that while exercising deep breathing increases the blood flow to the lungs. Under a well-planned conditioning program conditioning can help lower the rate of depression and stress.. Individuals who exercise regularly have a lower rate of depression and stress than individuals who do not participate in an exercise program. Stephan Tomlinson (2000) has shown that one of the most important aspects of conditioning for the heart is the warm-up. Warming-up before intense exercise gradually increases the heart rate and releases a lot of unwanted negative energy. Sudden extreme exercise can cause the heart to demand more oxygen than the circulatory system can provide, resulting in strain on the heart muscle. Warming-up will help to prevent heart attacks that result from abnormal heart rhythms. During the first one or two minutes of exercise, before the heart has pumped enough oxygenated blood to the working muscles, the muscles are powered by anaerobic energy. In order for these muscles to continue exercise, the body must supply them with continuous supply of oxygen, the more efficiently this is done, the better the cardiovascular fitness level. During cardiovascular conditioning, a program such as interval training can help to relieve some of the discomfort of anaerobic exercise, increasing muscular endurance. Interval training is a good method for competitive runners in which usual aerobic training is mixed with several repetitions of faster running. Not only does this program increase muscular endurance, it also helps to increase the temperature of the muscles. The higher the temperature of the m uscle cells, the faster they are able to metabolize oxygen and fuel they need. Cardiovascular helps to increase muscle mass, and as muscle mass increases more fat cells are burned. This training helps in releases energy and causes the blood flow to excerlerate at a higher demand. Causing stress levels in the body to drop. With proper training, the bodys usage of oxygen can be improved by up to twenty-five percent. Cardiovascular endurance is best improved by training with the right balance of intensity, duration, and frequency. The right intensity is determined by monitoring training pulse. Once exercise is finished the pulse should be taken immediately. According to Myer, Malott, Gray and Tudor-Locke (1999) an adequate beginners rate is 120-130 beats per minute; intermediate (after 3-6 weeks of training) 130-140 beats per minute; and conditioned athletes should have a training pulse of 160 or higher. If training pulse is too high the athlete should slow the pace to get the best ben efits of the training. The duration of training is determined by monitoring the recovery pulse rate. After a heavy cardiovascular workout, the athlete should wait two minutes and take the pulse, if the duration is appropriate it should have dropped approximately twenty-five to thirty percent of the training pulse. If it doesnt recover quickly the duration is too long and the time of exercise should be decreased. The frequency of a workout should be a combination of heavy and light exercise. Three times per week (every other day) the athlete should exercise at the highest training pulse. On the other two to three days in between, the intensity should be the same or somewhat easier, but the duration should be one-third to one-half of what it is on heavier days. The easier pace and shorter distance on lighter days helps to clean out work waste products that are produced in the tissues on previous heavy training days. Even the most dedicated person should take one day off per week to re st. After the first week the person will notice a difference in he or shes life style. They would feel more confident and less stressfull. Resulting in either improvement in grades or work habits. After following the complete schedule or exercise weekly, the person will not only find visual improvements but social improvements also. .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c , .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c .postImageUrl , .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c , .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c:hover , .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c:visited , .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c:active { border:0!important; } .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c:active , .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0be490145294ff939f7f0bbddc35e83c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Dustbowl of America in the 1930s Essay One of the best ways to test your level of cardiovascular fitness is to ask yourself how much oxygen you use per minute. Myer, Malott, Gray and Tudor-Locke (1999) explain that the more oxygen used per minute the better condition youre in (Max VO2). This simply means that if the heart and lungs can supply a large amount of oxygen to the tissues the body is able to go farther, and faster, before fatigue sets in. It is important to take into consideration some key things before you design your conditioning program: your current fitness level, what you hope to achieve, how much time you are willing to spend, what health risks do you have, and how motivated are you to begin your program. There are a number of different pieces of exercise equipment that can assist you with your conditioning program, though it is important to be sure that the equipment will be used. It cannot work if it is not put to use. According to Blinde (1999) the most common training aids are stationary bikes, rowing machines, and treadmills. A good program for beginners is the walk-jog routine. If you have not been exercising regularly or are recovering from an injury, this is a gradual, progressive program. To begin with walk one hundred paces, and then jog one hundred paces, alternating for ten minutes each day. Gradually walk ten fewer paces and jog ten more, continue on with this pattern until you are jogging for ten minutes straight. Once you have achieved this you can increase your jogging speed until it is within training range. Based on the research I did for the comparision of cardiovascular conditioning and stress levels in people, my hypothesis is that at the end of my experiment cardiovascular training will minimize the levels of stress in people. I assume that the two will corelate together in finding a solution to lower stress. Based on my research, I found that cardiovasular training excerates the blood and pumps more blood to the brain. This blood flow releases unwanted negative energy and prevents you from thinking about the problem that caused the stress. Obviously cardiovascular fitness is very important. The cardiovascular system of our body is extremely vital and helps to fuel not only our muscular system but it also fuels our mind.. By conditioning, for an average person, they are decreasing their risk of serious conditions caused by stress, and are also building up their strength and endurance as well. For an stressed out person, cardiovascular conditioning helps them to build their endurance and speed, and helps them to increase their self-esteem by utilizing the oxygen they need more efficiently. It is important to have that base of cardiovascular fitness because it improves many aspects of our life, such as; work habits, appearance, health and mentality. METHOD:The method I used in finding the relationship between cardiovascular conditioning and stress levels was that I took a random sample of men and females over the ages of 18. ReferencesBlinde , Elaine Taub, Taub, Diane. (1999). Personal empowerment through sport and physical fitness. Journal of Sport Behavior, 22, 181-202. Monsen, Elaine. (2000). Take food and fitness: Health for a lifetime to heart. Journal of American Dietetic Association, 100, 286. Myer, A., Malott, O., Gray, E., and Tudor-Locke, C. (1999). Measuring accumulated health-related: Benefits of exercise participation for older adults. Journal of Gerontology, 54A, M456. Tomlinson, Stephan. (2000). The research assessment exercise and medical research. BritishMedical Journal, 320. 636-639.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Research Methods Social Research
Question: Discuss about the Research Methods for Social Research. Answer: This exercise is worth 5% of the total marks available for this module. It is one of a series of four exercises that take place through the term, the total value of which is 20% of the module marks. The remaining 80% is assessed through an unseen examination. Purpose The purpose of this exercise is to think about how to design a quantitative study and collect quantitative data. You will need to think about important considerations that might affect the methodological choices you make. Instructions You are a business consultant who has been brought in to help a finance company called Moneypenny that is struggling with managing their employees. Specifically, despite hiring equal numbers of men and women at entry-level positions, Moneypenny has a large gender gap at higher levels in the firm, with women comprising only 10% of managers and executives. The CEO of Moneypenny wants you to design a study and collect quantitative data to try and figure out why the gender gap exists and how it could be remedied. The CEO has given you permission to contact employees and examine organisational records. Complete the table below, answering each question. Your answer should not exceed 300 words. You can write in bullet points as long as your meaning is clear. Where to go for help Look at the relevant chapters in either of the two textbooks and consult the Study Direct site. Exercise 3 Table 1 What type of quantitative methodology will you use to collect your data? Why is this the most appropriate methodology? I would use the survey design method to collect the data. I would develop an online questionnaire and mail the survey to all the participants. This is the most appropriate design as it is easy to use and it can be used effectively to collect the data within the firm. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen methodology? Advantages: The survey design is relatively easy to administer and it can be developed and implemented in a short period of time. It is a cost effective method and time required is also less. Disadvantages: The participants may not provide the hones opinion and there is no way to check the honesty of respondents. Who will your sample be? How will you make sure your sample is representative? My sample would be equal to the employee strength of Moneypenny. I would float the survey to all the employees of the company. At the same time, I would ensure that the sample should not increase more than 200. If the employee strength of Moneypenny is more than 200 then I would use a random sampling method to select 200 respondents. How will you make sure the data you collect is good quality data? (e.g., how can you make sure your participants tell the truth?) To ensure the quality of data, I would use close-ended questions in my survey. It has been observed that people find it easy to answer the close-ended questions as compared to the open ended questions (Bernard, 2012). What questions should be included in the study and why? I would include the questions around the work satisfaction and gender equality of employees at Moneypenny. It is important that the questions should not be personal in nature and the employees should be able to answer the question without any discomfort. Few Questions: i. On a scale of 5 rate the work environment in the company? (1 being unhealthy and 5 being most healthy? ii. Do you believe that there is gender discrimination at workplace? iii. Do you think that the management should include the number of female workers in the organization? iv. Do you think that management should be more liberal and relax while recruiting the female candidates (yes/ no) v. Do you think that management should promote female candidates to improve the number of females in mid management? References Bernard, H. R., Bernard, H. R. (2012).Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Sage.
Friday, April 17, 2020
How to Write Research Essay Sample<|endoftext|>
How to Write Research Essay SampleResearch essay samples are required for most university courses, but even a research essay is hard to write if the student is not used to the format. There are several tips that will help students develop better writing skills in a research essay. Firstly, they should understand that the essay will involve them writing more than simply summarizing the facts. They should use their imagination and take the time to get to know the person who will be reading the essay.One of the things that students should not do when writing a research essay is just throw in a lot of facts about the person they are writing about. Most people do not really care about who their essay is written about, they just want to hear an essay that makes sense. Students should make sure that they get to know the person who will be reading their research. They can learn about the person's interests, hobbies, and even background to help them produce a more personal essay.Students shou ld also be encouraged to include some supporting statements in their research essay. Many students cannot come up with this information on their own. A few examples of supporting statements include 'this person was born in that place', 'this person grew up in that house', or 'this person did this activity when they were a kid'. If a student wants to include supporting statements, they should include a variety of possible supporting statements so that it is easy for the reader to find the information they are looking for. For example, they could say that this person likes to read children's books, or that this person likes to watch sports.Essays are no different from regular essays in that they are used to express an opinion about a subject. Even if the topic of a research essay is scientific in nature, there is still room for an opinion. Students should take the time to make sure that they do not include any biased opinions or personal views, and that they do not try to bypass the r ules about dealing with sources. Students should understand the rules when dealing with sources in a research essay. If the information that they wish to include is not available, they should contact the sources that have offered this information. Students should keep in mind that sources should be referred to only once per paragraph. Once they have already been quoted, they should stop using the name. This will prevent them from repeating a source's comments more than once in the essay.The essay should always be formatted properly when students attempt to use a research essay sample as a template. Each paragraph should have at least one opening, one closing, and one page break. There should be an introduction that gives a summary of the information being presented, and a conclusion that conclude the information presented. The introduction and conclusion should end with a preface in which students can indicate whether they agree or disagree with the information presented.It is also important for students to understand that they can make changes to the introduction and conclusion of their essay. Students should always remember that an introduction and conclusion are meant to support a main point. Sometimes the student may have more questions about a main point, and they should always be willing to change the information in the introduction and conclusion. For example, if a student needs to change a statement in the conclusion about an event that occurred two years ago, they should change the number of years in the preface. The introduction should also be changed to refer to the event that took place two years ago.Students should learn how to write a research essay sample with the goal of having a good essay. If they find that their essay is not up to par, they should not feel bad about changing it or adding more information. Rather, they should learn from their mistakes and move forward to write a better essay.
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Analysis Of The Characters In Death Of A Sales Man Essays
Analysis Of The Characters In Death Of A Sales Man In this paper I'm going to focus on the themes, and also do an analysis of the main characters in the book. I'm going to focus on the theme of the concept of illusion and reality and the nature of the characters and their impact and contribution to the play. The main theme in Death of a Salesman is illusion versus reality. Willy has lived his entire life in a world of illusions. These illusions include Willy's belief that being well-liked is the key to success, as well as the literal illusions that Willy has of his past. Originally, Biff shared Willy's illusions of success and greatness, but by the end of the play he has become completely disillusioned. Once Biff comes to fully understand his place in life, he says to Willy, I'm a dime a dozen, and so are you. Willy, however, has lived too long in his dreams and cannot understand what Biff is trying to say. If Willy had to face reality, he would then be forced to examine the affair he had in Boston, his philosophy, and all of his illusions. Instead, he prefers to live in the past. And now Biff, who is trying to confront the truth about himself, finds that he is completely unable to commuicate with his father. Another theme of Death of a Salesman is the old order of agrarian pride and nobility versus the new order of industrialization. In the beginning of the play, Willy foreshadows this theme by criticizing the changes brought about by industrialization. The street is lined with cars. There's not a breath of fresh air in the neighborhood. It is this conflict between the old and new orders that brings about Willy's downfall. Willy's father, a pioneer inventor, represents the traditional values and way of life that Willy was brought up on. So does Dave Singleman, the eigthy-four year old salesman that inspired Willy to go into the sales industry. Howard, the young boss of Willy's company, represents the impersonal and ruthless nature of capitalistic enterprise. When Willy goes in to ask Howard if he can be transferred to a job in New York, Howard refuses to help him even though Willy has been working for the company for several decades and was good friends with his father. When Willy asks why he cannot be reassigned, Howard replies, ?it's a business, kid, and everybody's gotta pull his own weight, thus demonstrating Howard's cold indifference to Willy's situation. The main conflict in Death of a Salesman deals with the confusion and frustration of Willy Lowman. These feelings are caused by his inability to face the realities of modern society. Willy's most prominent delusion is that success is dependant upon being well-liked and having personal attractiveness. Willy builds his entire life around this idea and teaches it to his children. When Willy was young, he had met a man named Dave Singleman who was so well-liked that he was able to make a living simply by staying in his hotel room and telephoning buyers. When Dave Singleman died, buyers and salesmen from all over the country came to his funeral. This is what Willy has been trying to emulate his entire life. Willy's need to feel well-liked is so strong that he often makes up lies about his popularity and success. At times, Willy even believes these lies himself. At one point in the play, Willy tells his family of how well-liked he is in all of his towns and how vital he is to New England. Later, however, he tells Linda that no one remembers him and that the people laugh at him behind his back. As this demonstrates, Willy's need to feel well-liked also causes him to become intensely paranoid. When his son, Biff, for example, is trying to explain why he cannot become successful, Willy believes that Biff is just trying to spite him. Unfortunately, Willy never realizes that his values are flawed. As Biff points out at the end of the play, he had the wrong dreams. In many ways Biff is similar to his father. In the beginning of the play we see that Biff shares many of the same ideas as
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
The Raven Essays - Literature, Fiction, Poetry By Edgar Allan Poe
The Raven Essays - Literature, Fiction, Poetry By Edgar Allan Poe The Raven The Raven Once upon a midnite dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary. Edgar Allen Poe, The Raven, This poem is mainly about his wife dying and her being sick and his depression and anger. Nameless here forevermore, Only this and nothing more, Darkness there and nothing more, Tis the wind and nothing more. While I nodded nearly napping suddenly there came a tapping as pf sp,epme gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door, some visitor, he muttered tapping at my chamber door. Wondering , fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before, the silence was unbroken and the only word spoken was the whispered word Lenore and that he whispered back and then echo came back Lenore merely that and nothing more. Open then came the shutter, with a flutter, and there stood a Raven of the saintly days of yore, and there it stood perched above my chamber door, Raven wondering from the Nightly shore tell me what the lordly name is on the nights Plutonian shore, his response, quote the raven nevermore Then the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censor swung by seraphim whose foot falls tinkled on the hard floor. Wretch he cried, respite the memories of Lenore this kind nepenthe and forget his lost Lenore. Thing of evil, bird of devil, tell his soul with sorrow laden if within the distant Aidenn it shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore. And the raven never flitting still is sitting just above my chamber door, and his eyes have all the seeming of demons that is dreaming and the lamp light over him streaming throws his shadow on the floor, and my soul from out of that shadow that lies floating on the floor, shall be lifted-nevermore.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Compare and contrast - Essay Example For example, if something sad happen, and then it is going be heart wrenchingly sad. If something is happy, then it is over the top on cloud-nine happy. Whereas American dramas on the other hand, are not melodramatic, the characters seem to have real emotions. For example, if something sad or bad happens, the character seems to run through a day or less of denial, regret and crying. When the situation is happy, then it is just jumping up and down, nothing special like the Korean dramas. People still love watching them, especially the 90ââ¬â¢s dramas. Second, the situations the Korean characters go through are not realistic at all. For example, in King of Baking, Kim Takgu the main character Kim Takgu, runs away from his fatherââ¬â¢s family to strive and find the person who kidnapped his mother, after that he finds a gang member and the gang member told him to get beat in order to find his motherââ¬â¢s location, rather than going to the police officer. He gets distracted by t he secrets of baking. Whereas American dramas tend to be realistic and the topics and situations that could happen to the person next door, the characters may be unique, but if characterââ¬â¢s the acting gets ridiculous, then the show does not last very long. For example, in the Ringer the posted girl for the former WB, even Sarah Michelle Gellar could not intrigue the viewers. Third, Korean drama makers, invests so much in following what the fans say. They invest emotionally in the drama. People will watch the drama, go online and discuss it. The Korean drama makers read/re-read the recaps, watch the previews and sometimes if the makers will follow it and that makes such an improvement to the drama. Whereas American drama makers do not seem to have that kind of influence on their viewers. It may be intriguing while it is currently showing, but once it is over or even showing on TV the audience seems to have lost interest or have forgotten the show. Also, the viewers do not seem to have the patience to stay around if the acting is really bad or the story has holes in it. Fourth, Korean dramas will revolve with family issues. For example, pleasing family members/ maintaining family reputation. Even when the main character is trying to solve or doing something there is always family influence. Also, there is this issue of ââ¬Å"what people think of the main characterâ⬠. Whereas American dramas, they will generally deal with people who are having trouble finding themselves, making their own way in the world and they have the attitude of ââ¬Å" be your own manâ⬠kind of attitude. Fifth, Korean characters have this unique innocence and clueless in them. For example know about sex, never been kissed, fighting is horrific, but there are Korean dramas that adhere American aspects whereas American dramas find innocence as ignorance. Lastly, Korean dramas are a bit more corny and cheesy and also in Korean dramas, people are brought to tears and they well say if it's done well ââ¬Å"oh I feel sorry for herâ⬠. Whereas In American dramas if a girl was in love, but she is diagnosed with some rare disease, people say ââ¬Å"oh yea, what are the odds?â⬠From American perspective of making dramatic films or TV series, the Korean melodramatic theme may be a flop or just plainly a turn off from their traditional sense of taste of how a drama flick should be. But this traditional perspective is slowly eroding and changing as Korean
Friday, February 7, 2020
Leadership Skills and Acquisition of Feedback Research Paper
Leadership Skills and Acquisition of Feedback - Research Paper Example In accordance to Witherspoon, evaluation of individual employeesââ¬â¢ perceptions leads to the establishment of revelations concerning the workforce. Through critical evaluation approaches, there is evidence that different employees are capable of deciphering knowledgeable feedback from the management in accordance with levels of intelligence, experience, and other demographic variables. The implementations are that a leader needs to ensure evaluation of cognitive and behavioral patterns exhibited by each employee since they shall derive the desired relationships towards achieving the long-range goals and objectives. The argument emanates from the advantageous approach, which shall enable the management to establish leadership credentials of deploying effective team management characteristics (Silverman, Pagson, & Caber, 2013). At the problem identification stage, the management outlines the various stages of failure for the personnel while undertaking their daily course of tasks, and emphasized on the model approaches that shall embrace the delivery of positive feedback prior to execution tasks. Everyone that has skills in leadership management is knowledgeable about the importance of addressing individual employees in accordance to their behavioral characteristics. Further, it is evident that managers with the ability evaluate employees thus enabling organizations to acquire teamwork. The cognitive process of effective team and performance management intrigues in the critical analysis and evaluation of different management practices as denoted by Witherspoon and Silverman amongst others. Ultimately, the leadership approach to assessing individuals in the organization settles on evaluating the particular practices, and the composition of the workforce in the organizations (Cannon &Witherspoon, 2005). Reflecting on my feedback to the candidate done through random exchange of work with peers My colleagues argue out that all leaders must engage in teambuilding to ensure performance of tasks thus being assured of the acquisition of the set goals and objectives in the end. The employee tally determines the valuable outcomes of the research since the management should ensure a precise study without conflicting the companiesââ¬â¢ workforce. Provision of feedback As the leader After the companyââ¬â¢s immensity into evaluating the vitality feedback, I seek to use my leadership position in addressing the salient role of implementing strategies that will hold everyone in the organization accountable for his tasks. However, it is certain that feedback may not serve to the decline of conflicts and poor performances; it is evident that the approach is salient to the gradual improvement of the organization. Therefore, there will be ready information in provision to all employees in order to address the issue of unexpected conflicts, and laxity in the performance of duties (Silverman, Pagson, & Caber, 2013). Initially, the management perceived that the unbearable employee conflicts emanated from the prevailing management styles.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Examine the role of the witches in Macbeth Essay Example for Free
Examine the role of the witches in Macbeth Essay King James I succeeded Queen Elizabeth I on the throne of England in 1603. He was a member of the Stuart dynasty and was already the King of Scotland. This meant he united the two kingdoms, ending incessant warring between the two nations. James hoped to end the period of religious turmoil that had engulfed England for the previous century. The people in 17th Century England were very superstitious and witchcraft was the object of fevered fascination. In 1604 a law was passed that said anyone convicted of witchcraft should be executed. King James I was as fascinated by witches as his subjects, and in 1590 he personally interrogated a group of witches who had plotted to kill him. Misogyny and a strong belief that morality was being upheld fuelled societys hatred of witches. World Order was an important factor of seventeenth century life. World Order was a system in which God was at the top of the chain, followed by the King or Queen, then humans, birds, animals and fish. They believed that the King had been directly chosen by God and therefore did not have to answer to parliament. The human section of the Order was split into subdivisions of classes. It was believed that each person was born into their social status and ambition to rise above their position was considered unacceptable and was punishable by political means or by fate. The audience would immediately realise that once Macbeth had murdered the King, he would have to die, as he had disturbed Gods natural order. The first scene of Macbeth prepares the audience for the entrance of the witches with the use of pathetic fallacy. This is used to dramatic effect, with thunder, lightning and rain applied to create a feeling of chaos. The scene being set in a desolate place reinforces this idea, with the setting making it seem like the events that will unfold will be of an ominous nature. The words the witches use support the idea of chaos and disturbance. The word hurly-burly is used to show the turmoil at the time, with the area being ravaged by battle. Another phrase used to show disturbance is fair is foul and foul is fair. This phrase makes the audience wonder how anything fair can possibly be foul, thus creating confusion. There are many indicators that the three weird sisters are witches. These include the use of the number three, the familiars and the language of the sisters. The number three is a number often believed to be magical, and throughout the play Shakespeare frequently uses this number throughout the play. All three of the sisters have familiars, demons who take the form of creatures to aid witches with their evil craft. This is shown when the witches say I come Graymalkin, Paddock calls and Anon. Some of the sisters say things that can be interpreted as being related to witchcraft, including that will be ere the set of sun. This relates to witchcraft, as traditionally it was believed that witches performed magic at sunset. In Act I Scene 1, the Captain tells the story of Macbeth being a brave and noble man who is valiant and trustworthy. He gives an account of a battle that has just taken place and tells the king of Macbeths role in it. As the man telling the story holds the rank of Captain, trust is established between him and the audience. The use of words such as carved, unseamed and steel have connotations of murder and butchery, showing Macbeths bloodthirstiness in battle. The Captain also uses the phrase or memorise another Golgotha. This compares Macbeths fighting as being as bloody and savage as the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This is a huge comparison, as Christ is a holy figure. I think that this shows Macbeth fights with such passion it could be almost a religion. A semantic field of warfare and battle supports this scene, with lexis including choke; rebel; galloglasses; smoked; over-charged; bloody; execution; carved; battlements; cannons and wounds. I think the words choke and over-charged are strong words, as they both show the zeal and ferocity Macbeth fought with. There is a large contrast between the way the witches and the Captain portray Macbeth. This creates an ambivalent presentation of Macbeth, allowing the audience to interpret Macbeths character in different ways. As a result of this, Macbeths entrance to the play is delayed until the third scene to allow the witches and the Captain to speak. The contradictory ideas about Macbeth that are spoken create tension, as the audience waits to see the true nature of Macbeth. A witch speaks before Macbeths arrival in Act I Scene 3, the line A drum, a drum, Macbeth doth come. This line has a strong aural quality, and the rhyming of drum and come creates a sound like a heartbeat, or a drum signifying war. This creates uncertainty in the audiences mind, and prepares them for an ominous scene. Throughout the first scene of the play the witches are presented to the audience as puzzling creatures, possibly closer akin to Satan than humans. Their characters seem uncertain and their strange speech patterns are an enigma. They speak many contradictions including when the battles lost and won and fair is foul and foul is fair. These contradictions could possibly be affiliated to world order, and the 17th Century audience may interpret the witches speech as a disturbance of that. The second appearance of the witches gives an insight into the power of the witches. The first witch tells the others about a woman who insulted her and how she would take her revenge upon the womans husband. The womans husband was the captain of a ship and the witch says in a sieve Ill thither sail and Ill do, Ill do, and Ill do. One of the skills witches were credited with was the ability to sail in sieves and the use of this and the way in which Ill do is repeated three times, suggests some form of incantation will be used upon the sailor. The other witches offer to give a wind, allowing her to create a storm at the ships location. This shows that while the witches cannot directly control people, they do have control over the environment and they can use this to change the circumstances of people. What the witches plan to do with the captain is very alike what happens to Macbeth in the future. Sleep shall neither night nor day is similar to Macbeth after murdering Duncan, where he is plagued by nightmares and cannot sleep. This links Macbeth to the witches and shows his evil nature. When Macbeth meets the witches he is greeted with the witches saying hail to thee, Thane of Glamis, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor and All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter. The three lines indicate the three states of being: past, present and future. Glamis shows the past tense, as Macbeth has been Thane of Glamis for a significant amount of time and he is aware of his position. Cawdor represents the present, as unbeknown to him, Duncan has just stripped the previous Thane of Cawdor of his title, and will issue it to Macbeth. The final greeting is a prophecy, and it tells Macbeth that he will become King of England. The close repetition of the phrase gives the parallelism a strong rhythmic value, creating a sound that is similar to a spell or incantation. This reminds the audience that the prophecy has come from the mouths of evil, and so cannot be pure. After hearing these prophecies Macbeth responds by physically jolting. Banquo saying why do you start and seem to fear shows this. There are three possible explanations for him jumping. Either Macbeth jumps in fear of the witches, jumps because he knows Duncan must die, or because the idea of murdering the king was already in his mind. In my opinion the reason Shakespeare put Banquos line into the play was to make the audience wonder if Macbeth had already thought about killing Duncan and claiming the throne. After the prophecies are given, Macbeth also orders the witches to tell him more. Imperative verbs are used to show his commands. These include stay and speak. These show Macbeth wants to know more and show his military commanding background. It appears that he is used to having his orders carried out. Ross a herald of King Duncan then gives the news that Macbeth is Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth responds by saying The Thane of Cawdor lives. Why do you dress me in borrowed robes? This is part of a set of clothes images throughout the play. This series of images supports the theme of the play, assuming a false identity and assuming someone else place. Clothing is used because Macbeth appears to be hiding his true nature behind the valiant robes of kingship. The set of images is effective because clothing can suggest concealment and disguise. After being assured of his position as Thane of Cawdor, Macbeth edges into a soliloquy. This is a dramatic technique and shows a characters innermost thoughts. The phrase if ill, why hath it given me earnest of success? is spoken by Macbeth, and shows how he cannot understand how the prophecies can possibly be evil when they have given him success. This shows he fully believes the witches and so means he will be likely to commit the murder of the king. A series of images from the stage is in this soliloquy with words such as prologues; act and imperial theme. Another one of William Shakespeares plays, As You Like It has a similar theme and a character in it says All the worlds a stage and the characters merely players. They have their exits and their entrances. This displays world order, and it can be seen that each person has a part to play and must not step out of his or her role. By killing Duncan, Macbeth will step out of his role and cause chaos. I also think this can be related to Macbeth, as the witches have carefully orchestrated his life and have great control over his destiny. This is very much alike to the lines or acts in a play, while his exit will be his fate. At the end of the soliloquy there is also another clothes image, when Banquo says look how our partners rapt. This is a pun, as Macbeth is spellbound but also metaphorically wrapped in the clothes of another man the king. The language of Macbeths letter to his wife shows that he has chosen to believe the witches prophesies. The letter opens with the phrase They met me in the day of success. This shows that all the experiences he had that day were successful, the battle and the encounter with the witches. The phrase they have more in them than mortal knowledge shows that he fully believes they have magical powers, and that he trusts they will be beneficial to his cause. He says he burned in desire to question them further, showing the audience his desperate need to know more information. The phrase fate and metaphysical aid doth seem is used by Lady Macbeth in her response to Macbeths letter. This phrase is significant as it shows her readiness to ally herself with evil and the magic of the witches. It also shows that she believes fate has placed the supernatural witches in their paths and they would be wrong to side against them. Lady Macbeth has a large soliloquy in Act I Scene 5. A soliloquy is where an actor turns to the audience and speaks directly to them, as if the character were daydreaming. The actor speaks the truth as their character perceives it to be to the audience. This technique is used to great dramatic effect by Shakespeare. In her soliloquy her deadly intent is revealed. The words I feel now the future in the instant spoken by Lady Macbeth are very significant. They show that she believes their future will be decided by their actions regarding the king. I think that at this point she knows what must be done for her husband to become King. Lady Macbeth graphically indicates her decision to bring about the death of King Duncan by saying O never shall sun that morrow see. This shows that when the king goes to sleep, he shall never see daylight again: his fate is inevitable. Sun is used as an image because the sun is a symbolic representation of monarchy. Also, in world order, kings where the highest placed creature, just as the sun is the most important thing in the sky. When Macbeth rejoins his wife, they speak of their plans to kill Duncan. She advises Macbeth to look like thinnocent flower, but be the serpent undert. This means she wants Macbeth to look honest and friendly on the outside, yet on the inside, be as venomous as a vicious serpent and murder the king. The audience at the time would make a link between this and the Gunpowder Plot. The medals awarded during the plot to commemorate James escape featured a flower intertwined with a snake. As this had only recently happened in Shakespeares time, the audience would immediately recognise the connection. In Act I Scene 6, Duncan visits Macbeths castle. At the scenes start, Duncan remarks upon how agreeable the castle is, with phrases such as hath a pleasant seat and recommends itself displaying his thoughts. This is ironic, as the castle looks like thinnocent flower but is really the serpent undert, as the king finds out. Lady Macbeth uses many euphemisms for murder in her soliloquy. Examples of these are provided for, great business and dispatch. The use of euphemism shows that she does not want to explicitly state her murderous intentions clearly. A reason for this could be that she is afraid of being overheard and accused of treason. However, I think the main reason is that if she clearly said murder the situation would seem more real and she would see the extent of the crime. I believe she is still unsure herself about the gravity of the situation. The euphemisms all have double meanings, and these could be seen as a type of test for Macbeth to see how he would react to the suggestions. Provided for could mean to be fed or to be killed. The great business could be seen to be the feasting or the murder that would mean greatness for the Macbeths. The word dispatch could mean welcoming the guest, or the murder. In Act I Scene 7 Macbeth has a soliloquy that shows his indecisive state of mind. There are many words which show doubt, including if and but, displaying how he is considering his actions and is not fully committed to the cause. This is supported by the language of thought, including but how, if and could. Macbeth shows he is aware of just how immoral the murder would be, with the lines hes here in double trust: first, as I am his kinsman and his subject then as his host. Here Macbeth lists his reasons why he should not kill Duncan, as he is his subject, his host and is even related to him. Through the soliloquy Macbeth shows that he understands there will be consequences for murder. Might be the be-all and the end-all here is a line spoken that shows the murder will not be the end of his troubled time; it will be the beginning of an even more distressing state. He recognises that consequences will occur to whoever carries out the action and shows it through the phrase bloody instructions which being taught, return to plague thinventor. Macbeth also says to himself that Duncan has been a good king and that his virtues will plead like angels. At the end of the soliloquy an extended metaphor of horsemanship develops. This includes words such as spur; prick; vaulting; oerleaps and falls. This is prefigures Macbeths life, as his vaulting ambition is all he has to spur him on, and it will eventually reach too high (the position of king) and oerleap. He will then fall and will receive the consequences of his actions. The image of horsemanship was used to remind the audience of Macbeths strict militaristic background. Macbeths soliloquy shows a huge difference in character between himself and his wife. While his wife immediately resolves that they must kill the king, Macbeth thinks about the consequences. This shows Macbeth does have a conscience and I think this causes the audience to feel sympathetic to his plight. Macbeth has a second soliloquy in Act II Scene 1. Here his intensified fragile state of mind is shown to the audience. Macbeth sees an apparition of a floating dagger, shown through the phrase is this a dagger which I see before me. This shows that his mind is so focused upon the murder of Duncan, it is seeing weapons everywhere he turns. Phrases such as a dagger of the mind proceeding from the heat-oppressà ¯Ã ¿Ã ½d brain, show the mental strain Macbeth is under. A semantic field of the supernatural underpins this soliloquy, with words including: witchcraft; Hecate; murder; sentinel; wolf; stealthy; ghost and fear. I think that Hecate is a particularly powerful word to use as Hecate was traditionally thought to be the goddess of witchcraft. At the beginning of the soliloquy Macbeth is using euphemisms for murder, like the bloody business. However, towards the end of the soliloquy, the language has developed and now includes words like murder and horror. This shows that Macbeth has now fully made his decision and accepts what he must do. The soliloquy ends with a rhyming couplet, reminiscent of the witches. By using the language of the witches on Macbeth, Shakespeare has identified Macbeth closely with them. This creates the impression that the soliloquy ends with him making his own spell that will mean the death of Duncan. The two soliloquies depict the way in which the witches have effected Macbeth. They have given him advice and he has taken it in the way that he believed was correct. The witches have only influenced him, they have not directly told him what to do. I think Shakespeare has used these soliloquies to give the audience an insight into the mind of a murderer. As this was a 17th Century production, psychology and other studies into the mind had not been begun. This would mean the audience would be enthralled by what would have been revolutionary viewing. Act II Scene 4 takes place outside of Macbeths castle and is a conversation between Ross a thane and an old man. Though this scene takes place after the murder of Duncan, the two characters discussing the night do not yet know anything about his death. It is important that the man speaking is old, as this means he has lived for a long time among the feuding Scottish warlords. This creates an impression of knowledge, and that the old man would have seen many unusual things. Pathetic fallacy is used, with the phrase dark night strangles the travelling lamp signifying an eclipse. I think an eclipse has been used for the nights weather, as it is highly unusual and would have been considered to be supernatural. This would have given the night an eerie atmosphere. The old man begins the scene by saying this sore night hath trifled former knowings. This shows that while the man is very old, he cannot remember a night as strange as this. A bank of images relating to the stage is found, including act and stage. These relate to the previous stage images, found in Act I Scene 3. The images link to world order and the way in which everybody has a part to play that they cannot change. By murdering Duncan, Macbeth has stepped out of his role and his upset the balance of world order. A falcon towring in her pride of place was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed. The falcon is top of the food chain, and this is metaphorical for a lesser animal (Macbeth) killing something that belongs at the top of world order (Duncan). The horses have turned cannibalistic and are eating each other: turned wild in nature, broke their stalls they eat each other. This shows just how disturbed the order of the world is, yet it is also metaphorical for Macbeth killing his own kind. The use of language such as entomb, strange and unnatural show the precarious state the world is now in, with Duncan dead. Act IV Scene 1 begins with the three witches casting a spell in preparation for their meeting with Macbeth. Pathetic fallacy is once again used, with thunder giving the audience the impression the spell will be destructive. The chant shows many of the prejudices of the time. The witches put many parts of creatures that were considered inferior to the majority into the cauldron. These inferior creatures are: frog; bat; dog; adder; blind-worm; lizard and howlet. All of the animals mentioned are creatures of the night, and so were considered very rudimentary forms of life. After more chanting, the witches begin to put in parts of other items associated with death. The mythical dragon, the predatory wolf, the evil witches mummy and the poisonous hemlock are all placed into the pot. This adds to the feeling of death and evil. Societys prejudices come to the forefront of the chant with body parts of non-Christians being added to the pot: liver of blaspheming Jew, nose of Turk and Tartars lips. As Jews, Turks and Tartars were not Christian, the audience would have feared them as they were foreign and their cultures were unknown to them. There is a semantic field of poison in the incantation, and the lexis included are: poisoned; entrails; toad; sweltered; venom; sleeping; boil and bubble. These were all added by Shakespeare to make the witches concoction appear to be very deadly. Towards the end of the spell, the finger of a birth-strangled babe, ditch delivered by a drab. A drab was a prostitute and the child would have been killed at birth, as an illegitimate child would bring shame upon the family. As it was strangled at birth, the child is unblessed and so would never enter Heaven. This is familiar magic and works through association. This could prefigure Macbeths murder of Macduffs children. The magic number three is also used, when the witches say thrice towards the start of the spell. The rhymes and rhythm of the words help to reinforce the idea of a deadly spell. The spell has a heavy aural quality, and this meant the audience could feel a part of the play. Rhyming couplets are used throughout the spell, helping to make it seem like a chant. An example of a rhyming couplet is Ditch delivered by a drab, make the gruel thick and slab. This phrase also has many labials in it, helping to create a sense of evil and decay. Shakespeare also employs onomatopoeia in Macbeth. This helps to reinforce the tension and make an aural sound of a spell. Examples of onomatopoeia are double, trouble and bubble. There is a language link between this and Act I Scene 2 where the captain describes Macbeth as having doubly redoubled strokes upon the foe. This helps to tie Macbeth to the witches. I think that Macbeth returns to the witches because he wants to know his future. He has been tortured by the spirit of Banquo whom he has had killed and he fears for his sanity. Macbeth goes to the witches to seek assurances that he will not be dethroned in the future. I think he is looking for a future, as his guilt seems to tell him he will not have a pleasant one. The fact that he comes to the witches for reassurance shows that he has chosen to fully believe them and he trusts them. By consulting them, he is trying to change his own fate. This could further upset the order of the world. Macbeth greets the witches in the following way: How now, you secret, black, and midnight hags! What ist you do? Black and secret connote concealment and this links to the clothes images that run throughout the play. The use of the phrase midnight hags shows that Macbeth understands the power of the witches and that they have just created a spell. Midnight is the witching hour, and this can be cross referenced to Act I Scene 1 where the witches say that will be ere the set of sun. A witch responds by saying a deed without a name. This is in keeping with the earlier euphemisms for murder. When Macbeth speaks to the witches he instantly commands them by saying I conjure you. This is a play on words, as the witches have the ability to conjure things and because he is commanding them. Imperative verbs are once again used, showing that he is used to having his orders carried out. Examples of imperatives are answer and speak. Macbeth is prepared to take the world to the edge of destruction to get the answers he seeks. Castles topple and pyramids do slope their heads to their foundations shows he does not care about the destruction he causes in his quest. He ends by saying even till destruction sicken. I believe this would be said with finality, showing how deeply he will pursue his aims. A semantic field of chaos underpins this whole section, with words like: winds; yeasty waves; confound; swallow; lodged; blown down; topple; slope; tumble and destruction. Semantics are used here to show just how much Macbeth has already disturbed world order by murdering Duncan. The witches create three apparitions that give Macbeth a prophecy each. The first apparition is of an armed head and it tells Macbeth:Beware Macduff, Beware the Thane of Fife. Macbeths immediate response is thou has harped my fear alright, meaning he has confirmed what he thought. Towards the end of the scene, he says he will act on his first impulse and do what his first instincts say: The very firstlings of my heart shall be, the firstlings of my hand. After hearing Macduff has fled Scotland, Macbeth turns into a blind rage and orders his men to give to thedge othsword his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line. The second apparition is of a bloody child and tells Macbeth: Laugh to scorn the power of men, for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth. This greatly pleases Macbeth and gives him more security. Although he is reassured, he still makes an oath that he will kill Macduff. I think he does this for extra reassurance in light of the first apparition. The bloody child prefigures the decision Macbeth will make to kill Macduffs children. The third apparition is of a child crowned, with a tree in his hand. The child tells Macbeth: Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane hill shall come against him. Macbeth responds by saying no one can make the trees move at their will. This shows that he dismisses the prophecy and does not take into consideration the possibilities of how this could occur. Macbeths confidence has improved greatly after hearing these prophecies and he confidently asks the third apparition shall Banquos issue ever reign in this kingdom? By asking the question, Macbeth shows he is still intrigued by the original prophecy of the witches which said Banquos descendants will be monarchs. The witches then tell him seek to know no more. This annoys Macbeth and he childishly says deny me this, and an eternal curse fall on you, showing his arrogance. After he does this, the witches summon another apparition, this time eight kings with Banquo following behind. Macbeth realises the answer to his question about Banquos heirs when he says: Now I see tis true, for the blood-boltered Banquo smiles upon me, and points at them for his. Macbeths reactions to all the prophecies show his precarious state of mind. Throughout Act IV Scene 1 he lapses into bravado, attempting to show he is confident when in actual fact he is very nervous and afraid. Two examples of bravado used are call em, let me see em and had I three ears, Id hear thee. Although he is nervous and fearful of his future, Macbeth still feels superior to the witches. This is shown through phrases such as tell me and filthy hags. Macbeth misses the significance of the third prophecy, where the obvious interpretation of the trees being camouflage is overlooked. This shows that he is no longer thinking like a soldier, and rather a desperate man. The apparition showing Banquos heirs is believed to have political significance. The eight king bears a glass (mirror) and it is thought that it would have been pointed at King James I, watched the play. As it was facing James, the audience would have seen the kings face while the line, some I see, that two-fold balls and treble sceptres carry was spoken. These represent the two orbs James I carried at his two coronations in Scotland and England, as well as the three kingdoms he now ruled: Scotland, England and Ireland. I think this was put into the play to try and support James. When he came to power, he promised better things for both Catholics and Protestants. However, he seemed not to fulfill these promises in the way that the people wanted and the Gunpowder Plot challenged his rule. I think that Shakespeare put this section in Macbeth to try and show James had a legitimate claim to the throne as he was descended from ancient royalty. In the scene, Macbeths assistant is called Seyton. This could possibly be pronounced Satan, adding to the impression of Macbeths growing evil. I think the use of an assistant called Seyton makes it sound as though Macbeth now has his own familiar, the Devil himself. Towards the end of the scene, the doctor tells Macbeth that Lady Macbeth is suffering from a mental ailment. Macbeths immediate response is to order the doctor to cure her of that. The next few lines of the play detail Macbeth asking if the doctor cannot cure a mind diseased. However, I believe the audience would see the question as Macbeth asking for help himself, as the anxiety and sorrow he describes is what he himself is suffering from. The question is reinforced by a semantic field of cleaning, with words such as: minister; pluck; raze; antidote and cleanse. I think this shows just how badly Macbeth wants his mental state to be cured. When the doctor says patients must cure themselves, he responds by angrily saying throw physic to the dogs. This shows his precarious mental state. Act V Scene 8 details the battle between Macbeth and Macduff outside Dunsinane Castle. The scene begins with Macbeth saying he wants to become the great soldier that he once was, and will not commit suicide. The line why should I play the Roman fool and fie on mine own sword? shows this. Macbeth tells Macduff that he has avoided him for the entirety of the battle, but his soul is too much charged with blood. This means he has seen so much death he no longer cares about who he faces. As he is facing Macduff, Macbeth boasts that no naturally born man can kill him. This makes Macduff reveal his own Caesarean birth. Hearing this, Macbeth almost physically collapses. The mental stress and the fake promise of glory from the witches suddenly leave Macbeth, and he is free to sadly muse about his shortcomings. And be these juggling fiends no more believed That palter with us in a double sense, That keep the word of promise to our ear And break it to our hope. This section shows how Macbeth now views the witches and their prophecies. The first line shows how he no longer believes the witches. The use of the phrase juggling fiends represents his view that the witches have been juggling with fate, emotion and peoples lives. That palter with us in a double sense means Macbeth now accepts that the witches prophecies could have been interpreted in different ways and he made the wrong choices. That keep the word of promise to our ear shows how they misled him by speaking of future greatness, but then break it to our hope. Despite realising that Macduff will kill him, Macbeth decides to die fighting, in an attempt to reclaim some of his lost honour. Another reason for his decision to die fighting is the fact that he cannot bear the thought of being subservient to Malcolm after being in a position of power all his life.
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